first notes on coalesce

ed note: I don’t know when this was written. None of the entries in my notebook are dated. It’s the first reference I could find to the game. I’ll be going through & adding all my other notes as time goes on. So alright. My task then is to make a very simple prototype. Collision detection & possibly shooting. I have till the weekend or Monday, whichever. This should be pretty easy. I mean, there’s already a pong tutorial that I can work from. What license is Allegro released under? hopefully LGPL, not that I think we’re gonna sell this. Even better — “giftware” — Completely free to do whatever the hell I want w/it.

Ok. Object creation (a ship, a wall, or some other obstacle). Collision detection (maybe some pre-written routines for this?) I’m so used to OO programming now that going back to functional (or “modular”) feels weird. I suppose I could try & learn C++. Or use Ruby objects… Or Obj C…