I’ve been playing around with rewriting this thing in Cocoa (inbetween my other projects), and now I have up the test-run of it as an OS X commandline program. I’m experimenting with a couple ideas for it in my spare time… extending functionality; trying to get it to generate sentences that make more “sense”. Expanding the dictionary. I’ll also put up the source code, in a bit. Oh, the thing is the random sentence generator I wrote a while back. When I have time to think & reflect on it some more, I’ll probably post some of my ideas on what to do with it. here it is: Stochastic Orpheus (oh – the page for the thing is… well, it was much uglier. It’s a little better now, but I apologize for the text. Some of it was run through babelfish both ways: thus the strange wording. I need to rewrite the whole thing.)
25 May 2005