• January 2, 2025


Chapter 1:

	Fiat lux and there was.  From the world of sleep to the world of light;
dreams fade and darkness slips away to the corners.

	I looked out the windows, up toward the skies.  From the world of
	thoughts to the world of life;  I saw the skies
						and I believed.

	Bright.  I close the window stumbling	  down to the kitchen.

Put on coffee, elixer  of life.  I pour myself a  cup	  and	  step outs

	Garden.  I had toiled, there, planting seeds.  /// //
These seeds now had flower'd,  I had seen them  grow and bloom. I saw them
grow and I believed.  I sat in the shade of a  tree, out there.  I sat and
drank my coffee, thinking  about my life and my work.  Reflecting  on  the
beginnings of this day.  Creation,  inits little way, stretched out before
me; grew up between my toes and lived  or  died at my beckon.  I sat there
like that for a while.

	Birds sang to me, there.  They sang to me from the woods, so I followed
their voices out there.  Death begets life ; life begets death. I follow'd
this trail into the night.  I cast a handful of seeds into the fields  - -

	Kether is the crown.  I am beyond fatherhood and motherhood.  I
		created this world for myself and myself alone.

						- I  made the grass green,,
		-  I (beyond  ego)  gave  the birds their  song to  sing.