Chapter 8: The kind and lovely lady in white paused, and from behind an orange-copper throne picked up a crimson cloak lined with that same colour of the throne. She placed it around my shoulders and explained that it was the symbol of Hod. of Splendour. The dance was over, and She told me that it was time to take my place, and gestured me towards the throne. But as I walked a thunder-clap. and standing before me, in a flash of lightning of the deepest red-violet, the fearsome red man. His eyes glowed bright blue embers and his skin shone the colour of a violent storm. He spoke again his terrible name and I fell to my knees and in a flood of rain the cloak was stripped from me. I choked on the rain that beat so fierce stinging welts forming on my skin Lightning struck the ground before me and in the flash --- I lost my sight And the thunder boomed and in the crash --- I lost my hearing And the electricity coursed through my body and in the shock I lost my feeling I lost everything and in losing I realised that I was free.